Kunstneriske materialefortællinger
Kristine Engelbrecht er en atypisk formgiver – eller måske nærmere moderne. For hun søger hele tiden nye veje, der skaber fællesmængder i hendes faglige bagkatalog i både form, materiale og farve. Som beklædningsdesigner er hun vant til at tænke i helstøbte koncepter og fulde kollektioner, tegnet efter konteksten. Som tekstilnørd er hun nysgerrig på kvaliteter, strukturer og kompositioner og materialernes individuelle styrker og udtryk. Og som kunstner har hun fokus på nye kompositioner, nye greb og nye måder at bruge velkendte materialer på.
A Hint of Neon er en platform for hybride projekter, der leges frem med dyb alvor. En kommerciel og kreativ kanal for interiør-accessories med tekstilt afsæt som færdigkomponerede væg- og sengetæpper og strikkede te- og kaffevarmere. Men du kan også bestille speciallavede ’editions’, hvis du har særlige ønsker. Alt produceres lokalt i Danmark med kort vej fra design til produktion.
Som aktiv kunstner arbejder Kristine Engelbrecht under eget navn med sine værker i træ kaldet WOODWORKS. RELIEF og BRICKS er to serier, der med afsæt i arketypiske, geometriske figurer, skaber perspektiviske motiver i forskellige lag og nuancer. WOODWORKS RELIEF er tredimensionelle kompositioner i lag, hvor Kristine Engelbrecht arbejder med dybde, skygge og udskæringer med træets årer som en ekstra grafisk komponent. WOOD BRICKS er todimensionelle kompositioner i en kombination af naturlig og malet træ – inspireret af patchworktæpper, blot her i et andet materiale.
”Det er altid materialet, der definerer formen, ligesom farver er medbestemmende faktorer for det endelige udtryk. Dramaturgien i værkerne ændrer sig alt efter lyssætningen i løbet af et døgn eller om værket er todimensionelt eller tredimensionelt. Struktur, dybde og lag er andre aspekter, der er med til at skabe værkets udtryk og mangefacetterede scenografi”.
Kristine Engelbrecht er uddannet beklædningsdesigner fra Danmarks Designskole (nu KADK), og hendes mangeårige arbejde med tekstiler trækker synlige tråde til hendes værker i træ. Arbejdet med WOODWORKS startede som en 1:1 oversættelse af et tekstilt patchworktæppe i forbindelse med 3daysofdesign og udstillingen ARTSTOP i 2016.
Siden er serierne RELIEF og BRICKS blevet udvidet, ligesom Kristine har udstillet flere steder siden. I 2018 blev hun kurateret med på Adornos internationale vandreudstilling, ligesom hun udstillede igen under 3daysofdesign i 2018 hos File under Pop og senere hos Anne Black. I 2019 udstiller Kristine Engelbrecht sine værker i Muutos showrooms worldwide.
A Hint of Neon blev etableret i 2013 og sælger i dag produkter til udvalgte interiørbutikker i ind- og udland.
Artistic material narratives
Kristine Engelbrecht is an atypical designer – or rather, a modern one. She continuously seeks out new paths to create intersections with her back catalogue in form and content, material and colour. As a designer of apparel, she is used to creating overall concepts and full collections, conceived and drawn from the given context. As a textile enthusiast, she is curious about the quality, structure, composition, and the individual strengths and characteristics of the fabrics. And as an artist, she focuses on new forms, new approaches, and new ways of using well-known materials.
A Hint of Neon is a platform for a variety of hybrid projects that come from a severe but playful working process. It is the commercial and creative channel for interior textile accessories such as ready-made wall hangings, bedcovers and knitted tea and coffee cosies. However, if you have specific wishes, you can commission special editions. Whatever the item, everything is produced locally in Denmark, with a very short distance between design and production.
As an artist, Kristine Engelbrecht works under her name with a series of works called WOODWORKS. Under that heading, you will find the categories RELIEF and BRICKS both with a point of departure in archetypical geometric shapes that create motifs of perspective in a variety of layers and nuances. RELIEF focuses on three-dimensional, layered compositions in which Kristine Engelbrecht works with depth, shadow, and carvings – with the grain of the wood as an added graphic component. BRICKS emphasises the two-dimensional composition in a combination of natural and painted wood – inspired by the patchwork blanket, only here the material is different.
“It is always the material that defines the shape, just like colours are a contributing factor in the result. The dramaturgy of the works changes according to daylight and the dimensional structures of the work. Structure, depth, and layers are additional aspects that help create the expression of a work, as well as its multi-facetted scenography,” says Kristine Engelbrecht.
Kristine Engelbrecht is a graduate from Denmark’s School of Design (now The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation), and her many years of working with fashion and textiles have a precise bearing on her current works in wood. WOODWORKS began as a 1:1 scale translation of a classic textile patchwork blanket in connection with “3daysofdesign” and the exhibition ARTSTOP in 2016.
Since then the series RELIEF and BRICKS have expanded, and along the way, Kristine has done several exhibitions. In 2017 she was curated to be part of the Adorno International Temporary Exhibition. In 2018 she participated again in “3daysofdesign” together with File under Pop, and then later with Anne Black. In 2019 Kristine exhibited her works in Muuto’s showrooms worldwide.
A Hint of Neon was established in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2013 and today sells items to selected interior design stores at home and abroad.